Doing vs Being

Doing entails activity – thinking, acting, executing, achieving, maybe even loving, then back to thinking, acting… Every action is doing, being useful or productive. Non-action is laziness or simply idling.

Being entails allowing things to happen through you, while you stay fully alert, participate in the happening, and yet remain unattached and centred. Sounds like something weird and impossible and terribly spiritually-loaded/New Age-y? Trust me, it’s not. Only when you are open to the idea that even if you are not able to stay on top of everything, your life will go on like a flowing river. Life knows exactly where it is going, your input is not required.

So now what? How do we live? Like a slave to life’s whims and fancies?


We live by participating with life. After all, we can’t beat life, we are never going to get out of here alive! So why not join it?

We allow life to flow through us, happen through us, and in return we get to watch in amazement the story of Life unfolding beautifully.

We are already on this boat-ride, so let’s become more aware of the journey that we are on…who knows, we may be shown something magical while admiring the skies and enjoying the waves.

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